The Anti-Bribery Management system (ISO37001) is an international standardization guideline established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for anti-bribery management. Yuyu Pharma is implementing this system to achieve its anti-bribery objectives.
Article 1(Protection of Shareholders' Rights)
(1)Yuyu Pharma Inc. (the "Company'') shall treat all shareholders, including minority shareholders, in a fair and equal manner.
(2)The Company shall protect the rights of shareholders and respect requests and suggestions duly made by shareholders.
(3)The Company shall faithfully disclose management information to establish mutual trust with shareholders and investors and shall endeavor to maximize shareholders' interests.
(4)The Company shall always make business decisions by considering the interests of all shareholders to ensure that the minority shareholders' interests or rights are not unfairly infringed.
Article 2(No Discrimination)
(1)With respect to its employment or personnel treatment, the Company shall not grant any preferential treatment to or discriminate against a specific person based on his/her race, ethnicity, nationality, regional ties, school ties, gender, age, disability, marital status, social status, etc. and shall provide a fair opportunity in accordance with abilities and qualifications of the officers and employees.
(2)The Company shall establish evaluation criteria for qualifications, abilities, achievements, etc. of its officers and employees and shall evaluate and compensate them fairly.
Article 3(Transparent Management)
The Company shall disclose accurate management information in a timely manner in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations to allow information users, such as investors, to make reasonable investment decisions.
Article 4(Talent Development)
(1)The Company shall make efforts to maintain health and safe work environment for the officers and employees.
(2)By respecting the freedom and creativity of each of the officers and employees and providing them a fair opportunity to improve skills, the Company shall support talent development together with self-realization of the officers and employees.
(3)The Company shall respect independent personalities and basic rights of the officers and employees and create an environment where they can make offers and suggestions freely.
Article 5(Corporate Social Responsibility)
The Company shall contribute to the national economy and social development through improvement of productivity, creation of employment opportunities and faithful payment of taxes, social contribution, etc.
Article 6 (Respect for Customers)
(1)We shall always think and act from the customers' point of view and shall make efforts to fulfill customer satisfaction by providing the best products and services that are satisfactory and reliable to customers.
(2)The Company shall provide accurate information on its products and services to customers and shall not make any false or exaggerated advertisements on the products and services, etc.
(3)The Company shall protect the interests, safety and personal information of customers and shall not engage in any acts that are unfair to customers.
Article 7(Fair Trade)
(1)We shall respect the fair and free market economic order based on the principle of good faith and shall perform services in a fair and transparent manner in accordance with the procedures set forth in the applicable laws and regulations, including the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act, the Fair Agency Transactions Act and the Fair Transactions in Subcontracting Act, in each country and region where the Company operates its business.
(2)We shall develop mutual trust through fair trade with partners and pursue joint development by establishing cooperative relationship.
(3)We shall not use our superior position to demand money and valuables from our partners and other counterparties or exercise undue influence over them by forcing unfair trade terms, treating in a discriminatory manner and interfering with management.
Article 8(Instructions Disturbing Fair Performance of Duties)
(1)We shall not give any instructions which may substantially disturb the fair performance of duties in violation of the applicable laws or regulations for our own or a third party's interests.
(2)If we receive any instructions from our supervisors in violation of the fair performance of duties, we shall report this to the Company by applying the "Whistle Blowing System Regulation" and receive separate instructions from the Company.
(3)We shall not be subject to discrimination or disadvantage on account of the failure to comply with the instructions set forth in Paragraph (2) above.
Article 9(Non-Solicitation of Personnel, Etc.)
(1)We shall not make any improper solicitation to a person in charge of personnel affairs or any other person for the purpose of exercising an undue influence over our own personnel affairs, such as promotion, transfer and assignment.
(2)We shall not use our position to unduly involve in personnel affairs, such as promotion, transfer and assignment of other officers and employees.
Article 10(Compliance Management)
(1)We shall record and manage accounting data in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and
transparently disclose the financial status and business performance to shareholders, investors and others.
(2)As part of the national and local communities, we shall comply with all laws and regulations, rules and international codes (including treaties as well as all other internationally accepted laws) of each country and region where we operate our business.
Article 11(Environmental Protection)
We shall make efforts to comply with the environment-related laws and regulations, protect the nature and preserve a clean environment in each country and region where we operate our business.
Article 12(Establishment of Healthy Organizational Culture)
(1)We shall share the management philosophy of the Company and appreciate the goals and values pursued by the Company to faithfully perform the mission assigned to each of us in accordance with the Company's business policy.
(2)We shall create a healthy organizational culture based on smooth communication and mutual trust between all officers and employees within the Company.
(3)We shall do our best to perform the duties assigned to us and comply with the Company's regulations.
Article 13(Prohibition of Conflicts of Interest)
We will make efforts to avoid any act or relationship which may be in conflict with the interests of the Company, and if there is any conflict between the interests of the Company and those of an individual or a department, we will think and act by taking the Company's interests as the priority.
Article 14(Information Protection)
(1)We shall not pursue undue personal interests in any way, including without limitation, property transaction (including investment) relating to securities, real estate, etc. or short-term investment (i.e., any transaction resulting in profits by sale of the Company's shares, etc. within six (6) months from the purchase or by purchase of the Company's shares, etc. within (6) six months from the sale of such shares) prohibited by the Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act and the Corporate Disclosure Regulation by using the Company's internal information obtained in the course of performing our duties and will not provide any information which allows an individual's family members or acquaintances to gain improper benefits.
(2)We will not act to provide or make any material information of the Company accessible to a third party without the Company's permission.
Article 15(Protection of Company's Assets)
(1)We will do our best to protect the Company's assets and use them only for the designated purposes in accordance with the established internal regulations and policies of the Company.
(2)We shall value and protect the intellectual property of the Company and shall not leak it outside or use it for personal use without the Company's permission.
(3)We shall not use our position to pursue personal interests or engage in any unfair trade using confidential information obtained from the Company.
Article 16(Mutual Respect)
(1)We shall not make any statements that undermine our respect and dignity.
(2)We shall always respect and give thoughtful consideration to each other and shall not engage in any act that undermines a sound relationship with co-workers, such as physical, verbal and visual act that may result in verbal abuse, swearing or sexual humiliation.
Article 17(Prohibition of Political Involvement)
(1)We shall not engage in political activities in the Company and use the Company's assets for political purposes.
(2)We shall respect the political rights and political views of each individual.
(3)We shall ensure that the political views or personal opinions of an individual are not misled as the Company's views or opinions.
Article 18(Prohibition of Provision and Receipt of Money, Valuables and Entertainment)
(1)We shall not receive any money, gifts or entertainment from interested parties, such as trading partners.
(2)We shall handle our duties in a fair and transparent manner and shall not provide any gifts or entertainment beyond the scope permitted by the applicable laws or regulations or social norms.
(3)We shall not provide or receive money, excessive gifts or other entertainment that goes beyond social norms even among the officers and employees.
Article 19 (Compliance with Code of Ethics)
(1)We shall faithfully comply with the Code of Ethics and will not force any act contrary to it. If we violate the Code of Ethics, we shall assume any and all liabilities, including disciplinary actions for such violation and liabilities under the Whistle Blowing System Regulation.
(2)If we are compelled or become aware of any act contrary to the Code of Ethics, we will report to the department in charge of ethics Ethical Management Team.
(3)If any act occurs in violation of ethical management, we will prevent recurrence through thorough investigation of its cause and training.